Thursday, September 14, 2006

2 weeks of Pre-school completed

At 3 pm Wednesday, Bryce officially completed his first 2 weeks of pre-school--a total of 5 classes. He is doing well, and we only had one minor incident in all that time.
He is learning to sit still for longer that 5 minutes--he's up to 6 minutes now--HAHA Just kidding!! But really, he is learning to play well with others, share, etc. He is also learning and doing more arts & crafts and next week starts the extra curricular activities--ie tumbling/gymnastics, kids yoga, Spanish classes, phys ed. ballet and a few others. He will miss some of those activities b/c he only goes 3 days a week, but I am hoping that they rotate the schedule every month so he gets a chance to try everything. He loves to go, but hates to get up every day--Tuesday when I woke him up, he grunted, rolled over, and pulled the blankets over his head. Man am I in trouble when he's a teenager. Here are a few pictures--he did not want his picture taken; you can see he is unhappy. He looks so grown up in the pics though.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tiger anyone??

I almost forgot to include pics of the most unique thing Bryce and I did in Myrtle Beach. Check out the pictures below. YES, they are real, live animals.

Things to do in MB cont...

Playing on the kiddie playground at Broadway at the Beach--very cool place w/tons of interesting stores and restraunts

Posing between the king and princess of the Medieval Times Show

Bryce enjoying the whipped cream off our Hard Rock Sundae--YUMMY!!!

Bryce and my Dad in front of one of the horses used in the Dixie Stampede Show.

Many things to do in Myrtle Beach

We did sooo many things while we were in Myrtle Beach. Below are just a few pics of our many activities.

This photo is of Bryce at his "job". For those that don't know the story, we are going to Disney in April. Bryce didn't want me going to work for a while, so I told him I had to go to work so that we could see Mickey Mouse. Then, he started saying that he was going to work. When asked where he worked, he would reply--and still does--that he works w/Mickey Mouse. He says that they sell cream cones!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Yesterday was Bryce's first day of pre-school. He loved it. I stayed for the hour of Meet Your Teacher day and then I went home. I made sure to tell him that I was going back home after a while before we even left for school so it wouldn't come as a surprise when I left him there alone. I told him that I was going home, and he gave me a hug and a kiss. Then he went to the chair they told him to sit it--it was snack time--and then he started waving and yelling, "BYE Mom! BYE!" from the little chair. I was so happy that he enjoyed himself. When Jason and I picked him up, he said that he had fun and when asked, he said yes, he wanted to come back tomorrow.
So now, he goes 3 days a week--M-T-W from 9a-3p. I will have 2 days free--I will be sleeping on Mondays since I work Sun into Mon--that means I will probably be playing on the computer more often, since I won't know what to do with the sudden "freedom".
When I dropped him off this am, he went right to playing and kissed me good-bye when I left. It feels good to know that he is comfortable and makes it so much easier for me to leave. There was a little girl today who was literally screaming her heart out--you would have thought that she was being tortured, by the screams she was making. I felt like crying and she wasn't even my child. So, again, I am blessed that I have a social butterfly and he loves school. We'll see what he did today when he comes home!!

Video of Bryce scaring the birds

Myrtle Beach

Well, we got back from our week long vacation at Myrtle Beach on Saturday. We all had a wonderful time. Bryce loved the BEACH and the big water--as he calls it. He loved to scare the birds more though. This is my first time using this, so I will try to post some pics and the video of Bryce scaring the birds. Hope it works. Thanks, Andy and Andrea, for getting me hooked on this!!