Sunday, November 26, 2006

Week in Review

Nothing much new to report...
Bryce is starting to get over his THIRD cold of the season. As much as he loves preschool and it has done wonders for him, these places are little germ factories.
He also developed pink eye along the way and it is a knock down, drag out fight 3-4 times a day to put the drops in his eyes. We just started them last night, so I have 4-6 more days of blissful joy fighting w/a 3 yr old. You never really realize how strong your kids are until you have to do something like this to them!!! The poor kid gets ambushed every time he sleeps/naps so that he is unaware until I'm going to do it. He fights much less if I can catch him by surprise and sleepy---the awful things we as parents have to resort to in order to "HELP" our children.

I'll post some new pictures soon. Bryce gets to go see Santa on his train ride at Strasburg December 14th, so he is very excited about that. I would also like to take him very soon to see all the lights at Hershey Park (Sweet Lights) it is called.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi nichole, you do such a wonderful job on your site. that santa with bryce is amazing! hope you all have a happy new year!