Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy Easter--belatedly

We had a great easter this year. I was supposed to work 3 twelve hour shifts, but they discharged A LOT of patients, so I got off Saturday into Sunday. Hence, I was able to participate in the easter activities. Jason went fishing early in the AM while Bryce and I were still sleeping. Then Bryce groggily woke up, and went to see what the easter bunny had brought him and to find the eggs he hid for Bryce. He was really excited about his new Cars flashlight--he broke the other one and it had to be thrown away. He also liked his tumbling Curious George.
Then, it was off to my parents. We had a DELICIOUS dinner, my mom and Jason got along the entire day, and to top it all off, Bryce got to hunt eggs in their back yard. These eggs, however, had cold hard cash in them--for Bryce to spend at WDW. What a great Easter Bunny!!! Bryce learned through 2 previous egg hunts this season, that the plastic ones are hard to open, so below is a picture of how he manages this problem--He just stomps them open!!

Yes, it was freezing that day---notice Bryce wearing his winter jacket, not his spring one.

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