Saturday, May 05, 2007

I've been a bad blogger.....

Sorry for those of you that are waiting patiently for the remainder of our WDW adventure. This past week has been busy to say the least.
First, Bryce had a major meltdown in preschool so I decided to take him out and start fresh in the fall. The other kids in his class are 5 months ahead and he just couldn't seem to adjust back to going to school. I am working with him at home doing letters and numbers. It is a struggle---he is not always a prize pupil and my patience is definitely lacking at times---but we are muddling through. I started a REWARD chart so that seems to be working a little better. I also signed him up for a gymnastics/tumbling class that is for 1 hour once a week. I really think that he will like it. I also want to sign him up for a swim class this summer---for fun and to have him around other children.

Next, I got a tattoo. YES, you read correctly, a tattoo. If interested, let me know and I will describe it. It hurt NO WHERE NEAR as much as I thought it would, and 2 days later it doesn't really hurt at all. Just a little itchy now and again--as yes, it is in a place that I can show anyone--above my left ankle.

Now, Bryce and I have this cold that we can't seem to shake. It started as a head cold and has now migrated to our chests. My allergies were AWFUL this week, so I am hoping that this cold resolves quickly!!!!

So needless to say, with all of these happenings, WDW was put on the back burner. Once I get some free time next week, I will post our final days at WDW. It will most likely be a all encompassing post.

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