Sunday, July 29, 2007

Pittsburgh Children's Museum

Bryce loved it here when we went on Tuesday. This museum is huge and has 3 floors. The second flood is totally dedicated to toddlers and moms with small babies. We skipped that floor but did the 1st and 3rd floors. It was hard to get Bryce to leave; Especially since the last floor we visited was a water area. I didn't take my camera out because kids were playing with water everywhere. There were make your own fountain areas, fog machines, and Bryce's favorite was the huge water table where boats were tested and you could make them sink by creating whirlpools.

Bryce wouldn't stand by Clifford himself, so my brother Adam went with him to have his picture taken. This was the highlight of our trip for Bryce.

In the art room, my mom and Bryce pose in front of an exhibit that was made completely out of recycled materials. The kids could go in the back and make the penguins flippers flap, and there were microphones they could use to make the polar bear roar.
This is the huge real-life sized Clifford they had in his exhibit area. Bryce was so excited to be there that he wouldn't sit still for the picture.

Bryce sitting on the swing outside of the Mr Roger's neighborhood exhibit. Mr Roger's neighborhood was filmed in Pittsburgh, and the museum had all his puppets and Trolley on display.

Bryce climbing through an enclosed maze they had on display. Once he got 2 rows from the top, he was too short to climb any higher. He was disappointed, but I told him that next time he will be big enough.

We did go to an ice cream parlor that has existed since 1922 after the museum and it was really cool--a total transport through time. I forgot to take my camera in with us though.
If anyone is in need of ideas for a family fun time, I highly recommend the Children's Museum and zoo. We had a GREAT TIME!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do they know how big is life-sized for an imaginary dog?