Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer 2009 continued

Hard to believe in just a little of 2 weeks school starts. Bryce is all ready to go, but I am not. I know that he will do fine, but I have such a hard time believing that he is really old enough to start school. That time has flown by!! He wants to be the milk delivery man for his class.

We have done a few fun things this summer, but our "big" trip is in October. Just Bryce and I are going to fly down to WDW for 4 nights and technically 5 days--our flight home is at 0800 the 5th day, so I don't really count that as a "vacation" day.
So far this summer we have swam, swung on the swing set, gone to Hershey Park, the movies, saw fireworks for the 4th of July, and now starts the rash of end of summer carnivals. We took Breckin along to Hershey--it was his FIRST time--and he seemed to really enjoy himself. He and Bryce loved to run through the sprinklers that Hershey now has in their water park section.

Cooling off....

Taking a break from running through the water to scope out the scene

Red Baron reporting for duty...

First ride Breckin ever rode at Hershey Park. Nana went along for the ride.

Here are a few pictures from the fireworks as well. I really enjoyed them because I haven't seen actual fireworks from the grass in years. The noise was too much for Bryce by the end, but he enjoyed the first part.

Bryce in the bounce house at the fireworks
Waiting for the show to begin and playing with his light up sword.

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