Thursday, February 21, 2008

Gymnast Bryce

Bryce has been taking gymnastic lessons for almost 10 months now, and it is that time of year for pictures. Now since he is a boy, he just goes in sweat pants and a t-shirt/shorts and t-shirt in the summer. I could probably find a little boy gymnast suit (leotard) somewhere, but I don't think that is right for a 4 year old!!
Anyway, below are 2 of the pictures I am purchasing. They are not the best quality since they are printed off my printer from the photographers proofs on-line. When I get the real pics, I will replace them. Now the one of Bryce hanging upside down is a first for the photographer and the gymnastic school. They have had these professional pics for about 8 years now and Bryce is the first to have one like it!! Leave it to Bryce to start a trend! It is such a BRYCE like post, that I couldn't help but make that our package picture. The other one is just an extra I liked as well! Yes, he is using his own strength to keep himself on the bar. The upside down pose is called "skin the cat" and he ends up on the floor with his back to the bar. The second pose is called, ironically enough, an "angel".
If you click on the photo, it will enlarge but will be grainy.

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