Friday, February 29, 2008

Last week of Feb 2008--Review

This week was full of things to do--as always. Breckin was here 2 days this week and he was such a good boy. Occasionally cranky, but i think that he is trying to cute some teeth. He drools ALL the time!! Today he is 3 months old already. It is so hard to believe. He has grown a huge amount in these first 3 months and is just so darn CUTE! Bryce is getting used to having him here, and when Breckin stays home with his Mom or Dad, Bryce always asks where Breckin is at. Bryce can't wait for Breckin to get older so they can play together.
It might be a little hard to see Breckin, since he is in camo......

Bryce LOVES to help me with Breckin--here he is holding his bottle. Breckin is looking up at Bryce.

Bryce had his first speech session yesterday. The teacher said that she could understand almost everything that Bryce said. He really has improved the last few months on his own, so hopefully he won't have to do this for long. Next week when we go, we have to write his goals.
Bryce's big thing this week is that he LOVES to take a bath. He would stay in there for HOURS if I would let him. He also loves bubbles. I walked away the other night for a few minutes and in that time he squeezed all of the full bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body soap into the water. It didn't make as many bubbles as I thought, but when you flushed the downstairs toilet, it created a bubbly toilet bowl rinse.

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