Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chance is 11 weeks old

Our house is relatively "calm" this week. There is not much going on--I think it is the calm before the storm. Next week, Bryce's speech classes start again for the school year, the following week is Labor Day and the start of preschool, and the following week is our vacation! Vacation is only 3 weeks away, but it feels soooooo very far. We are all looking forward to the Outer Banks.

Here are some new pictures of Chance and Bryce. The puppy is growing by leaps and bounds. We had to buy him a new collar today because he has just about outgrown the old one.

This picture is from last week. Chance is 10 weeks old in it.

I just HAD to post this pic. It is so funny--the angle of the camera makes Chance look like he is MONSTER sized.

Boxer's--as a breed--love to give kisses. Therefore, it was very easy to teach Chance to do it on command. It is one of Bryce's favorite tricks to have Chance perform--as you can see.

Taken just tonight, a boy and his dog posing for pics! Chance is now 11 weeks old.

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