Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lisburn Carnival

This past Saturday, my Mom and Dad took Bryce to the Lisburn carnival. It is a small carnival that has rides, games, etc to benefit the Lisburn fire company. I was a little bummed because I had to work. However, at 6pm work called and said that they didn't need me until 11pm. Yeah!!! I called and told them that I would meet them there. My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew were also going!
We had a great time. Bryce rode the Ferris wheel (with me), the giant slide (with my Dad, me, and then all by himself), had 2 pony rides, played in this fun house thing at least 10 times, and won 4 goldfish. One of the goldfish has since passed, but the 3 left seem to be doing great. They are at my Mom's house in their brand new PIRATE fish tank!!

Breckin enjoying his FIRST carnival

Adam and Breckin pose for a father/son moment

Breckin loved his first horse ride

Bryce loves this giant slide---i can't remove the red eye!

Bryce always loves a horse ride

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