Thursday, August 14, 2008

Growing Puppy

Chance turned 10 weeks old this past Monday. We had him to the vet's about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and then he went this Tuesday for shots. He gained 6+ pounds in that short time. He is growing so fast that you literally swear he grows overnight.
He is just a little shorter than Bella now, and he is a little bigger than both the cats. The other animals are tolerating him well now. Bryce still gets reprimanded for being a little rough with him now and again, but overall he is doing great with his puppy.

Bella and Chance chewing on their bones

Tonight, Adam and Bryce were rolling a ball back and forth. Chance LOVES balls. Chance would hide under Adam's armpit and then jump out when the ball reached them. Here are a few pics.

Where's that ball?

Wait for it, wait for it.....

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